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Email Consent 


Your provision of Personal Information through any of our registration forms on our sites constitutes your affirmative consent that we may contact you by email to provide you with information and notices relating to The Villages At Miami Gardens property , on various similar services available to you at or through our property and on various other properties that may be available and of interest to you in the future. It also means we may email you regarding updates to this Privacy Policy.

You may choose to opt out of receiving future commercial email messages from us. Each mass commercial email sent by us contains a link with instructions on how to remove yourself from our email list. 

Terms of Use

Any materials on the Website, including without limitation any documentation, content, text, data, graphics, images, video and audio clips, interfaces or other materials, information or works of authorship are copyrighted materials (i) owned by Affordable Residential 3400 LLLP (collectively, the “Materials”) or (ii) provided by third party licensors and suppliers to Affordable Residential 3400 LLLP (collectively, the “Third Party Content”). All rights not expressly granted in and to the Website, the Materials and the Third Party Content are reserved to their respective owners, subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights under United States and foreign laws and international conventions. You agree to abide by all copyright notices and trademark, information and other restrictions in connection with the Website, including without limitation any Materials and Third Party Content therein.

Disclosures and Licenses

The sketches, renderings, graphic materials, plans, specifications, terms, conditions and statements contained in this brochure are proposed only, and the Developer reserves the right to modify, revise or withdraw any or all of same in its sole discretion and without prior notice. All improvements, designs and construction are subject to first obtaining the appropriate federal, state and local permits and approvals for same. These drawings and depictions are conceptual only and are for the convenience of reference and include artists renderings. They should not be relied upon as representations, express or implied, of the final detail of the residences or the Condominium. The developer expressly reserves the right to make modifications, revisions, and changes it deems desirable in its sole and absolute discretion. All depictions of appliances, counters, soffits, floor coverings and other matters of detail, including, without limitation, items of finish and decoration, are conceptual only and are not necessarily included in each Unit. The photographs contained in this brochure may be stock photography or have been taken off-site and are used to depict the spirit of the lifestyles to be achieved rather than any that may exist or that may be proposed, and are merely intended as illustrations of the activities and concepts depicted therein. Consult your Agreement and the Prospectus for the items included with the Unit. Dimensions and square footage are approximate and may vary with actual construction. The project graphics, renderings and text provided herein are copyrighted works owned by the developer. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, display or other dissemination of such materials is strictly prohibited and constitutes copyright infringement. No real estate broker is authorized to make any representations or other statements regarding this project, and no agreements with, deposits paid to or other arrangements made with any real estate broker are or shall be binding on the developer. All prices are subject to change at any time and without notice.

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